Book Series
Book Series by Letter
- A Clinical Guide to the Neuropsychological Health of Immigrant Populations
- A Colour Atlas
- A Cultural History of Women in Christianity
- A Health Care for Women International Publication
- A History of England
- A History of Urban Society in Europe
- A History of the American People
- A History of the Highland Clearances
- A History of the Near East
- A Library of Essays on Charles Dickens
- A Library of Essays on Renaissance Music
- A Networked Self
- A New History of Western Psychology
- A New Order of Social Things
- A View into the Classroom
- A life skills manual
- A to Z Series
- A-List SAT and ACT Series
- A-Z Guides
- A-Z Guides for Environment and Sustainability
- AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Techniques series
- AAP Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
- AAP Advances in Nutraceuticals
- AAP Focus on Medicinal Plants
- AAP Insights in Women’s and Gender Studies: Reshaping Identities
- AAP Research Notes on Chemical Engineering
- AAP Research Notes on Chemistry
- AAP Research Notes on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- AAP Research Notes on Optimization and Decision Making Theories
- AAP Research Notes on Polymer Engineering Science and Technology
- AAP Research Notes on Polymer Science Engineering and Technology
- AAP Series on Digital Signal Processing, Computer Vision and Image Processing
- AATDF Monograph Series
- AECT Series
- AFI Film Readers
- AGPA Group Therapy Training and Practice Series
- AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Series
- AI Applications in Earth Science
- AI for Everything
- AI in Clinical Practice
- AIoT - Artificial Intelligence of Things
- AK Peters Visualization Series
- AK Peters/CRC Recreational Mathematics Series
- ALSP series in conjunction with The Association for Legal and Social Philosophy
- AMLE Innovations in Middle Level Education Research
- APA Planning Essentials
- APA Psychotherapy Video Series
- APC Essentials
- ASA Decennial Conference Series: The Uses of Knowledge
- ASA Monographs
- ASA-CRC Series on Statistical Reasoning in Science and Society
- ASAA Women in Asia Series
- ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy
- ATEE Series
- ATTW Series in Technical and Professional Communication
- AVISTA Studies in the History of Medieval Technology, Science and Art
- Absolute Essentials of Business and Economics
- Academia Sinica on East Asia
- Academics, Politics and Society in the Post-Covid World
- Accents on Shakespeare
- Access Language Series
- Access and Achievement
- Active Homework
- Active Landscape Photography
- Acumen Handbooks
- Adaptation in Wireless Communications
- Addressing SEND in the Curriculum
- Adelphi Papers Reissue Hardback
- Adelphi series
- Adolescence
- Adolescence and Society
- Advanced & Emerging Communications Technologies
- Advanced Chemistry Texts
- Advanced Digital Technologies for the Built Environment
- Advanced Manufacturing Techniques
- Advanced Manufacturing of Materials
- Advanced Materials Processing and Manufacturing
- Advanced Materials Science and Technology
- Advanced Materials and Technologies
- Advanced Methods
- Advanced Methods in Resource & Waste Management
- Advanced Research in Reliability and System Assurance Engineering
- Advanced Texts
- Advanced and Additive Manufacturing Series
- Advancements in Intelligent and Sustainable Technologies and Systems
- Advancements in Systems Research for Sustainable Development and Interdisciplinary Innovations
- Advances and Applications in Biotechnology
- Advances and Trends in Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics
- Advances in Agri-Genomics
- Advances in Agroecology
- Advances in Antenna Design, Wireless Communication and Mobile Network Technology
- Advances in Applied Mathematics
- Advances in Behavioural Brain Science
- Advances in Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Advances in Bionanotechnology
- Advances in Business, Management and Entrepreneurship
- Advances in Chromatography
- Advances in Computational Collective Intelligence
- Advances in Condensed Matter Science
- Advances in Criminological Theory
- Advances in Critical Medical Anthropology
- Advances in Crusades Research
- Advances in Crustacean Research
- Advances in Cybersecurity Management
- Advances in Design, Materials and Manufacturing for Sustainability
- Advances in Digital Technologies for Smart Applications
- Advances in Discrete Mathematics and Applications
- Advances in Drying Science and Technology
- Advances in Earthquake Engineering
- Advances in Emerging Markets and Business Operations
- Advances in Engineering & Applied Science
- Advances in Engineering Series
- Advances in Evaluation & Development
- Advances in Family Research Series
- Advances in Fisheries Science
- Advances in Hospitality and Tourism
- Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series
- Advances in Industrial and Hazardous Wastes Treatment
- Advances in Industry 4.0 and Machine Learning
- Advances in Instructional Psychology Series
- Advances in Intelligent Decision-Making, Systems Engineering, and Project Management
- Advances in IoT, Robotics, and Cyber Physical Systems for Industrial Transformation
- Advances in Leisure Studies
- Advances in Manufacturing, Design and Computational Intelligence Techniques
- Advances in Materials Science
- Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
- Advances in Mathematics and Engineering
- Advances in Mental Health Research
- Advances in Metaheuristics
- Advances in Metallic Alloys
- Advances in Mobile Communication
- Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Advances in Neurotechnology
- Advances in Nonlinear Optics
- Advances in Parenteral Science
- Advances in Pathology, Microscopy, & Molecular Morphology
- Advances in Personality Assessment Series
- Advances in Personality Psychology
- Advances in Plastics Recycling: Recycling of Polyurethanes
- Advances in Playwork Research
- Advances in Police Theory and Practice
- Advances in Polymeric Biomaterials
- Advances in Power Electronic Converters
- Advances in Probability and Related Topics
- Advances in Recovery and Stress Research
- Advances in Smart Healthcare Technologies
- Advances in Social Cognition Series
- Advances in Soil Science
- Advances in Solar Energy Series
- Advances in Sports Engineering and Technology
- Advances in Surface Engineering and Tribology
- Advances in Systems Science and Engineering (ASSE)
- Advances in Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology
- Advances in Tourism
- Advances in Trace Substances Research
- Advances in Translational Medical Science
- Advances in Urban Sustainability
- Advances in Vascular Biology
- Advances in Water and Wastewater Transport and Treatment
- Advancing Science and Engineering through Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Mathematical Modeling
- Advancing Technology Enhanced Learning
- Advancing Theory in Therapy
- Adventures in Social Skills
- Adventures with Diversity
- Advertising and Consumer Psychology Series
- Africa Circular Economy Series
- Africa South of the Sahara
- African Ethnographic Studies of the 20th Century
- African Governance
- African Studies
- Africana Studies
- Africana Thought
- After Brain Injury: Survivor Stories
- After Marriage Equality
- Agenda for the Future READ Perspectives S.
- Aging and Mental Health Research
- Aging and Society
- Aid and Development Set
- Aids Clinical Review
- Albert Bates Lord Studies in Oral Tradition
- Algebra, Logic and Applications
- Algorithms and Society
- All About SEND
- Alternative Process Photography
- Alternative Voices in Contemporary Economics
- Ambiances, Atmospheres and Sensory Experiences of Spaces
- American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology/Routledge Continuing Education Series
- American Association for Adult and Continuing Education
- American Communal Societies
- American Film Market Presents
- American Jewish History
- American Law and Society
- American Presidents Series
- American Radicals
- American Social and Political Movements of the 20th Century
- Among the Victorians and Modernists
- An ACPA Co-Publication
- An Expanding World: The European Impact on World History, 1450 to 1800
- Analysing Architecture Notebooks
- Analysing Leading Works in Law
- Analytic Grammars for Advanced Learners and Teachers
- Analytical Chemistry
- Analytical Concepts in Forensic Chemistry
- Analytical Methods and Special Functions
- Analytics and AI for Healthcare
- Analytics and Control
- Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture
- Ancient Philosophies
- Ancient and Traditional Foods, Plants, Herbs and Spices in Human Health
- Angelaki: New Work in the Theoretical Humanities
- Anglo-Italian Renaissance Studies
- Anna Freud
- Anthropological Studies in Creativity and Perception
- Anthropology and Business
- Anthropology and Cultural History in Asia and the Indo-Pacific
- Anthropology and Global Public Health
- Anthropology and Health
- Anthropology of Asia
- Anthropology of Now
- Antifeminism in America: A Collection of Readings from the Literature of the Opponents to U.S. Feminism, 1848 to the Present
- Antinomies
- Antioxidants in Health and Disease
- Apocalypse and the Global Middle Ages
- Application Tribology: Materials, Design, Manufacturing and Testing
- Applications in Scientific Photography
- Applications of Motivational Interviewing
- Applied Ecology and Environmental Management
- Applied Energy Technology Series
- Applied Fire Science in Transition
- Applied Geotechnics
- Applied Legal Philosophy
- Applied Linguistics and Language Study
- Applied Linguistics in Action
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Physics
- Applied Psychology Series
- Applied Psychology: Social Issues and Questions
- Applied Social Research Series
- Applied Software Engineering Series
- Applied Theatre in Context
- Applied and Computational Mechanics
- Applying Child and Adolescent Development in the Professions Series
- Apprentice Series
- Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology
- Approaches to Local History
- Approaches to New Religions
- Approaching Literature
- Approaching Medieval Sources
- Approaching the Ancient World
- Aptitude, Learning and Instruction
- Aquatic Sciences
- Arabic Thought and Culture
- Archaeological Orientations
- Archaeology and Indigenous Peoples
- Archaeology and Religion in South Asia
- Archaeology of Gender and Sexuality
- Architect's Guidebooks to Structures
- Architectural Borders and Territories
- Architectural Engineering and Design Management
- Architectural Science Review Series
- Architecture and Urbanism in the Global South
- Architecture in Context
- Architext
- Arctic Worlds
- Arguing About Philosophy
- Arguments of the Philosophers
- Armed Conflict Survey
- Armenian Studies
- Arnold Readers in Geography
- Arnold Student Reference
- Arsenic in the Environment - Proceedings
- Arsenic in the environment
- Art, Creativity, and Psychoanalysis Book Series
- Arthurian Characters and Themes
- Articles on American Slavery
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence (AI): Elementary to Advanced Practices
- Artificial Intelligence Series
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Intelligent Engineering Systems
- Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability
- Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Engineering and Management
- Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Image Processing
- Artificial Intelligence in Smart Healthcare Systems
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics and Automation for Business Management
- Artist Resource Manuals
- Arts Culture and Society in the Western World
- Ashgate Ancient Philosophy Series
- Ashgate Classics in Sociology
- Ashgate Contemporary Thinkers on Critical Musicology Series
- Ashgate Contemporary Thinkers on Religion: Collected Works
- Ashgate Critical Essays on Early English Lexicographers
- Ashgate Critical Essays on Women Writers in England, 1550-1700
- Ashgate Epistemology and Mind Series
- Ashgate Historical Keyboard Series
- Ashgate Interdisciplinary Studies in Opera
- Ashgate Keeling Series in Ancient Philosophy
- Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Philosophy
- Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Religious Studies See Series ID 2069
- Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series
- Ashgate Screen Music Series
- Ashgate Series in Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic Studies
- Ashgate Studies in Applied Ethics
- Ashgate Studies in Architecture
- Ashgate Studies in Aviation Economics and Management
- Ashgate Studies in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
- Ashgate Studies in Human Factors for Flight Operations
- Ashgate Studies in Medieval Philosophy
- Ashgate Studies in Resilience Engineering
- Ashgate Studies in Theory and Analysis of Music After 1900
- Ashgate Studies in the History of Philosophical Theology
- Ashgate Wittgensteinian Studies
- Ashgate World Philosophies Series
- Asia's Transformations
- Asia's Transformations/Asia's Great Cities
- Asia's Transformations/
- Asia's Transformations/Critical Asian Scholarship
- Asia's Transformations/Literature and Society
- Asia, Europe, and Global Connections
- Asia-Europe Education Dialogue
- Asian Americans and the Law: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
- Asian Finance and Development
- Asian Higher Education Outlook
- Asian Security Studies
- Asian States and Empires
- Asian Yearbook of International Law
- Asians in America: The Peoples of East, Southeast, and South Asia in American Life and Culture
- Aspects of Classical Civilization
- Aspects of Modern Sociology
- Assessment and Improvement in Higher Education
- Assessment in Schools: Principles in Practice
- Assessment of Educational Technology
- Assessment of Personality and Psychopathy
- Assessment, Repair and Strengthening for the Conservation of Structures
- Association for the Study of Nationalities
- Association of European Lawyers
- Atlas of Human Central Nervous System Development
- Atoms, Molecules, and Clusters
- Attention and Performance Series
- Audience Research
- Audio Engineering Society Presents
- Augusto Boal
- Australian Essential Series
- Australian Principles
- Authors of the Middle Ages
- Autism Friendly
- Autism, Identity and Me
- Autocritical Disability Studies
- Automation and Control Engineering
- Automation and Production Systems
- Autonomous Systems and Applications
- Avebury Series in Philosophy
- Aviation Fundamentals
- Aviation Practical Guides
- The ACSA Architectural Education Series
- The ASA Research Methods
- The ASC Division on Corrections & Sentencing Handbook Series
- The Adam Smith Review
- The Adventures of Mindy and Mo
- The American Real Estate Society (ARES) Real Estate Thought Leadership Collection
- The Ancient Word
- The Ancient World from A to Z
- The Annals of Business Research
- The Anthropology of History
- The Archbishops of Canterbury Series
- The Art Seminar
- The Art of Living
- The Ashgate International Law Series
- The Ashgate Library of Essays in Opera Studies
- The Ashgate Plus Series in International Relations and Politics
- The Atlantic Slave Trade
- The Autonomic Nervous System
- The Avionics Handbook, Second Edition