About Open Access Books
Open access makes published academic research freely and permanently available online. Anyone, anywhere can read and build upon this research.
At Taylor & Francis we’ve been publishing open access journals since 2006, and in 2013 we complemented it with our Open Access Book Programme. We publish books and chapters across all subjects covered by Routledge, CRC Press and our other leading imprints in the humanities, social sciences, STEM and behavioural sciences.
- Over 10 years of OA book publishing
- 1st
books open data policy - OA books
accessed from 5K+ institutions and 100+ countries - 60+
subjects across HSS and STEM for OA publishing - 32,000+
open access chapters - 800+
funders for OA book content - 12%+
of book series contain OA content - 2,000+
books published fully OA
Our Open Access Books programme allows authors and their funders to publish open access (OA) single- or co-authored books, edited collections and individual chapters. Upon publication, open access titles and chapters are made available in digital format to read, download, and share freely under a Creative Commons license.