Experience interactive learning with Taylor & Francis eBook+

To provide added value and a better user experience, Taylor & Francis have enhanced the content of our eBook+ with additional interactive features. Our eBook+ titles are designed to make reading more engaging, increase comprehension and retention of the material and ultimately lead to greater student success.

View our eBook+ Titles

Key Features


Selected eBook+ contain professionally-recorded audio excerpts, including music and enunciation, to enhance learning according to individual needs.


eBook+ contain video clips to assist students in gaining deeper understanding of the content and amplify the learning experience.

Further Links

Provides external links to help users access additional content for reference and further reading.

Data Visualization

Using visual elements like charts, graphs and maps to provide an accessible way to see and understand trends and data.

Quizzes and Assessments

Uses quizzes and assessments to engage learners and assess the competencies during various learning stages.

Interactive Problems and Solutions

Provide active learning through interactive problem-solving exercises to improve engagement and performance.

Featured Titles

Modern Power System Analysis - Third Edition book cover
Management of Construction Projects - Third edition book cover
Machine Learning, Animated - First Edition book cover
An Introduction to Cyberpsychology – Second Edition book cover