Routledge eBooks are a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way to access academic texts and study materials.
What Are the Advantages of eBooks Over Printed Books?
eBooks are a fantastic way to access books on the go. They require no physical storage space, save paper (making them a sustainable reading solution), and offer near-immediate access to your reading materials. Readers can also store multiple eBooks in their virtual library, making it easy to build a collection of expert knowledge in various subject areas.
Additionally, Bookshelf, the free eBooks app created by our third-party partner VitalSource, offers a range of features to help make reading your books more enjoyable. Within the app, you can set Reader Preferences. This feature enables you to increase the text size, change the font, adjust the text and background colors, change margin spacing, and customize the line height. Bookshelf also includes features to help you annotate, cite, bookmark pages, highlight text, and create flashcards to aid your learning.
Learn more about Bookshelf's reading features.
How to Buy eBooks on
We offer many different eBook formats and options, making Routledge eBooks simple to purchase. To buy from, search for the title, author, or ISBN in the search box. Select the book you wish to buy to view the product page. This page gives you all the necessary information about the book and allows you to choose which book format you want to purchase. Once you've made your decision, click add to cart and complete the user friendly checkout process.
Types of eBook Formats
At, most of our eBooks are available as reflowable ePubs, allowing you to adjust the material's formatting online and offline via the Bookshelf app. However, we understand reflowable eBooks might not suit every accessibility need. Additionally, some of our textbooks include illustrations, formulae, or other data that must remain fixed on the page. For those requiring a fixed format, offers PDF versions.
In addition, you can also print pages from your eBooks. Bookshelf for Mac and Windows offers a printing function, which enables you to select a page range to print. The number of pages will vary for each book.
You can also print in a browser using Bookshelf Online.
All of our eBooks are encrypted so that they can only be accessed within Bookshelf. We do not send eBooks as PDFs to your email address because this format is easily copied and pirated and does not protect the rights of our expert author community.
As one of the leading global academic publishers, Routledge also offers eBooks through other book retailers and academic stores. Please check with your preferred eBook retailer to find Routledge books in an electronic format that suits you.
Accessing Your eBooks After Purchasing From Routledge
We currently offer our eBooks via VitalSource, an academic eBook provider, which means once you buy a book from our site, you must follow these quick and easy steps to access your eBook.
Step 1
Open your confirmation email and copy the access code that has been sent to you.
Step 2
Create an account, or if you already have one, login to your Vitalsource’s Bookshelf Online Account.
Step 3
Paste your access code into Bookshelf.
Step 4
Download the free Bookshelf app to access your book offline.
Video - How to download bookshelf
eBooks for Individual Purchase
Routledge happily continues to offer more than 100,000 titles in eBook format across all of our subjects, including the Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Medicine, Science & Technology, and more.
To purchase Routledge eBooks from a retailer or academic bookstore, check out our trusted resellers below:
- Amazon Kindle
- Apple iBookstore
- Google eBooks
- Kobo
- Nook (Barnes & Noble)
- VitalSource
For more information on Routledge eBooks, visit our eBooks FAQs page.