1st Edition

Harnessing the Science of Learning Success Stories to Help Kickstart Your School Improvement

By Nathaniel Swain Copyright 2025
    232 Pages 15 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    232 Pages 15 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Drawing together the worlds of classroom practice, school leadership and scientific research, this is an essential how-to guide for initiating and maintaining a school improvement journey based on the science of learning.

    What we now know about learning and teaching is vast; yet often, wading through the thousands of articles and books on this subject can leave even the most seasoned educator overwhelmed. This guide instead offers a distillation of key understandings—for teaching, literacy, mathematics, curriculum and implementation—to launch your school improvement work.

    Harnessing the Science of Learning also features contributions from thought leaders across the fields of learning sciences and educational practice: Pamela Snow, Tanya Serry, Zach Groshell, Reid Smith, Toni Hatten-Roberts, Simon Breakspear, Katie Roberts-Hull, David Morkunas, Steven Capp, Shane Pearson and Eamon Charles.

    This book illustrates practical ways to harness this knowledge, using a series of exemplary school case studies. These insightful narratives of transformation are interwoven with summaries of powerful teaching practices, forming a roadmap to drive improvement.

    In this volume, you will learn how even discrete changes in a school can have marked impacts. It is suitable for those already versed in such principles, as well as anyone curious to plunge into what the science of learning has to offer.

    Part One: The Orientation

    Chapter 1. Do we need to improve our schools?

    Nathaniel Swain

    Chapter 2. Why the science of learning?

    Nathaniel Swain

    Chapter 3. The science of learning lifts every learner

    Nathaniel Swain

    Part Two: The Foundations

    Chapter 4. Key insights from the science of learning: Cognitive load theory and beyond

    Nathaniel Swain and Zach Groshell

    Chapter 5. How can the science of learning change my teaching? Four teaching misconceptions resolved by the science

    Nathaniel Swain and Zach Groshell

    Chapter 6. What is the science of reading? What does it mean for my teaching?

    Pamela Snow, Tanya Serry, Eamon Charles and Nathaniel Swain

    Chapter 7 Effective literacy teaching

    Nathaniel Swain and Shane Pearson

    Chapter 8. Effective mathematics teaching

    David Morkunas, Toni Hatten-Roberts and Nathaniel Swain

    Chapter 9. Coherent, knowledge rich curricula: Bypassing working memory by laying lots of Velcro®

    Nathaniel Swain and Reid Smith

    Chapter 10. The science of learning implementation piece: Pursuing sustainable school-wide change

    Simon Breakspear, Nathaniel Swain and Katie Roberts-Hull

    Part Three: The Takeaways

    Chapter 11. Kickstarting your work with the science of learning

    Nathaniel Swain

    Chapter 12. Improving your school as a science of learning leader

    Steven Capp and Nathaniel Swain

    Chapter 13. A call to action… and caution

    Nathaniel Swain


    Nathaniel Swain, PhD, is a teacher, instructional coach and teacher educator. He is a Senior Lecturer in Learning Sciences at La Trobe University School of Education, Australia. Dr Swain has taught a range of learners in schools, and founded a community of teachers committed to educational excellence and equity: Think Forward Educators.

    Studded with inspirational stories from a range of schools, Harnessing the Science of Learning should spark some fundamental and much-needed changes in instruction. Too often, teachers have been led to believe in practices that only make it harder for students to learn—and for teachers to teach. This book provides a clear, accessible guide to pedagogical approaches backed by cognitive science that can enable both teachers and students to reach their full potential.

    Natalie Wexler
    Author of The Knowledge Gap and co-author of The Writing Revolution


    In the last decade, there's been a global revolution in the way teachers think about classroom practice. Techniques and resources based on cognitive science are becoming more popular than ever. In Harnessing the Science of Learning Nathaniel Swain has done a great service for teachers everywhere in explaining what this new science of learning is, why it matters, and how it can help you and your students.

    Daisy Christodoulou

    Award winning educator and author, Seven myths about education


    Teachers will treasure the guidance offered in this volume. Nathaniel’s book is an accessible and entertaining combination of scientific research and anecdote. It’s an invitation to all who work in education—teachers, school leaders, policymakers, or academics—to learn from examples of schools that have experienced success applying evidence-based practices.

    This book offers a diagnosis—there is a disconnect between what we know about how learning happens and the practices that are used in our classrooms—along with a cure. In doing so, Nathaniel somehow avoids the trap of being prescriptive. You will find content in this book that is motivating, wise, never patronising, and grounded in pragmatism and evidence.

    This book brings together the compelling case for the science of learning with the realities of classrooms. Nathaniel Swain applies his experience as teacher, school leader, and academic to offer an evidence-based, credible path to improvement. Combining science, real-life experience, and common sense, the authors deliver a recipe for school improvement that is evidence-driven and proven to succeed. This is the book we have been waiting for.

    Dr Jenny Donovan
    CEO, Australian Educational Research Organisation (AERO)


    Published research has created a new science of learning based on new theories and voluminous data sets. That knowledge is now beginning to transform the teaching profession. The transformation has been slow because while there are innumerable research papers, there are far fewer resources aimed at the teaching profession. I believe Harnessing the Science of Learning has the potential to rectify this resource gap. The book is exceptionally clearly written. It contains critical information that every teacher and every teacher trainee requires. I can recommend it in the strongest terms.

    John Sweller
    Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology, Father of Cognitive Load Theory


    I often warn students not to write in the way that they speak, since speaking and writing are such different beasts. But Nathaniel Swain does that very thing, and I’m glad. There is no time, in my experience, when Nathaniel hasn’t spoken eloquently, intelligently, and with great empathy, and so his writing reflects that in this superb book. Bringing together a balance of expertise, research, and teaching with heart, this accessible book puts complex points across as a tool for teachers and education leaders alike. 

    Lyn Stone

    Linguist, Literacy Specialist and Author, Reading for Life, Spelling for Life, and Language for Life


    This gem of a book is a highly readable introduction to a huge body of scientific research on effective teaching and learning. More importantly, it is intensely practical. Reading this book, I was infused with an overwhelming sense of optimism that we might yet deliver on our promise of providing an excellent education to all young people—a life-changing gift for many. 

    Dr Jordana Hunter

    Program Director for Education, Grattan Institute


    Dr Swain’s Harnessing the Science of Learning is an essential read for educators looking to revolutionize teaching methods. The acclaimed authors in each chapter masterfully combine scientific research with practical classroom applications, offering a comprehensive guide to enhancing educational outcomes. The book’s engaging narrative and real-world success stories provide a compelling argument for the integration of the science of learning into everyday teaching practices. A must-read for those committed to educational excellence in their context. 

    Bruno Reddy

    Mathematics Educator, Disruptor, and Pedagogy Specialist
    CEO, Maths Circle Australia Pty Ltd

    The last twenty years has seen a welcome increase in the number of books for teachers about the science of how we learn. Over the same period, there have also been many books on different approaches to school improvement. What we haven’t seen, at least to my knowledge, is anything that integrates the science of learning with how schools might use this knowledge to effect radical improvements in their educational efforts, and that’s why Harnessing the Science of Learning is so welcome. In it, the authors skilfully weave together what cognitive scientists have discovered about how to maximize learning with stories of how schools have used this emerging body of knowledge to improve student learning—often to an extraordinary degree. Highly recommended.

    Dylan Wiliam

    Emeritus Professor of Educational Assessment, UCL Institute of Education