Traditional Chinese Sports You've Never Heard Of

You’ve probably already heard about this, China is good at Ping Pong. They are also dominating in most of modern sports like gymnastics, badminton or figure skating. But how about their traditional sports? Interesting activities that you, most probably, have never heard of and can only see and experience in China!


Dragon Boat Racing 龙舟竞渡 (LóngZhōu JìngDù)

Dragon Boat racing

The traditional race originally came from an old legend in which the patriotic poet, Qu Yuan, drowned himself in the river. Villagers in great distress, raced in boats to search for his body. Later, many people imitated this act to show their respect and commemorate his death. This tradition is still practiced, after 2000 years, by many Chinese during the annual Duan Wu Festival ( Dragon Boat Festival), held on the 5thday of the 5th month of the lunar calendar, around June of the Gregorian calendar. They decorate the boats to resemble dragons and race with one team member shouting and encouraging the rower’s with drums and gongs.


Chinese Dragon Boat Racing 龙舟竞渡 is a 2000 year old tradition still practiced by many Chinese during the annual DuanWu Festival [Tweet this]


Nowadays, all nationalities and countries compete in a regulated dragon boat competition. It is said that winning team will bring happiness and harvest to people of their country or village.


Firework-Catching 抢花炮 (Qiǎng HuāPào)

This daredevil sport is held on the third day of the third month in the Chinese lunar calendar (around April or May) during the Firework Festival. The game is played with two teams competing against each other by snatching the small firecrackers fallen on the ground and throwing it in the opposite’s team basket. This crazy game is sometimes played on the roof of high buildings or even on cliffs!

China has many traditional sports you probably never heard of like Firework-Catching 抢花炮 (Qiǎng HuāPào) [Tweet this]


Stilt Racing 高脚竞速 (GāoJiǎo JìngSù)

Racing on stilts

What we see as an unusual and circus like show is for Chinese a very serious sport! This tradition finds its origins thousands of years ago, where residents from Liao river used to get around town after the river would flood after heavy rains. Nowadays, the stilt running race is a popular sprint sport performed in many festivals and even at China’s National Ethnic games. The challengers are required to run on 3 foot stilts made of two bamboos sticks strapped to their feet.


What we see an unusual show is for Chinese a very serious sport, Stilt Racing 高脚竞速 finds its origin 1000s of years ago! [Tweet this]


Bamboo Kayaking 独竹漂 (DúZhúPiāo)

Bamboo-kayaking is a traditional sport from the Guizhou province. It is a famous and entertaining performance for many tourists and travelers coming to GuiZhou! Performers dress up in traditional clothing and use one stick of bamboo as a boat and another one as an oar to navigate through the water. Requiring really nice balance skills!  Some of these equilibrists can even make acrobatic figures on the “stick-boat”.


Would you like to read more about sports, check out our article on Chinese Football

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Diana Ye & Louis Costenoble

Updated: 23/10/2018

Posted in Chinese Culture
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