Inge Baak

Posts by Inge Baak:

10 Biggest Misconceptions About The Chinese Language

More than 1.3 billion people speak Mandarin. However, there are so many misconceptions about Chinese. In this article we present 10 misconceptions to you.

17 Oct 2018

Sydney Hutong School - Grand Opening Ceremony

Hutong School Sydney had its grand opening on September 23rd! Read more about this festive day and get to know the Sydney team!

8 Oct 2018

The 8 Essentials For Your Trip To China

Going on a trip to China? Unsure what to pack? Not to worry, this blogpost will tell you the 8 essentials you'll need for a successful trip to China.

3 Oct 2018

Hutong School Hangzhou’s Adventure into the World of Tech

Read about Hutong School Hangzhou's visit to Alibaba and Zijin Town. You'll never guess what the perks for working at Alibaba are.

19 Sep 2018