Guest Blog: 10 Tips for Foreign Students in China

Easily one of the most popular destinations in the world right now for foreign students to study in is China, and it has been for decades. The culture is amazing to immerse yourself in, the quality of the education system is coveted around the world, and there are courses available to suit any student from any part of the world.

However, moving to another country to study can be challenging, especially if it’s an entirely different society like China. To help you successfully make the move, here are the ten top tips you need to know.

1. Research Prior to Move

You would never go into a test without revising first, which should indicate how necessary preparation is. There are a ton of cultural differences in China you won’t find anywhere else in the world, and it will be hugely beneficial to research them, so you know what you’re getting into and what to expect.

2. Picking the Right Course

If you’re not enjoying your course and you’re not picking something you’re really into, you’re not going to have a good time, and the whole experience of living in China is not going to work out well. Always pick something you have a passion for.

3. Consider the Duration

When it comes to moving abroad, you’re not going to settle in and get a real feel for the country in just one semester, and it’s always a good idea to give it as much time as possible. If you can afford and have the option to go for several years, this can be positively life-changing.

4. Always Check Medical Requirements

No matter which part of the world you’re travelling from, you need to make sure you’re going to be protected in terms of medicine and vaccines. These are typically taken a couple of weeks before, and your doctor can provide information on what you’ll need.

5. Always Work Out a Budget

There’s nothing worse than trying to get by in a completely foreign country when you realize you’re short on money, and all your plans are going out the window. Get a budget, get organized, and stick with it for the best experience.

6. Try Learning the Language

“Of course, Chinese is very different from many other languages of the world, and there are so many dialects and variations that the whole process can seem very daunting. However, the best thing to do is to jump straight in and give it all you’ve got. Learning the language of where you’re going can dramatically add to your experience,” explains Laura Hardy, a language tutor for Brit Student and WriteMYX.

7. Bring Things from Home

While you’re out meeting new people and exploring a new culture, remember that your culture is very different from the Chinese one, and the native people will be excited to hear what your homeland is all about. Make the sharing experience even more special by bringing a few things that represent you from home!

8. Understanding Costs

Hand in hand with the budget consideration above, it’s important to make sure you understand what kind of costs things are in China, and what you’re going to be spending your money on. Look at exchange rates, and don’t forget to factor in things like visa costs.

“If you’re living in private accommodation, you’ll also need to work out what bills and taxes you’re going to be paying and how you’re going to afford them. Many students will also get working visas so they can earn while they learn!” shares Nick Taylor, an education blogger at Australia2Write and Next Coursework.

9. Get Paperwork Sorted in Advance

Moving to a new country, whether it’s for a couple of months or several years, can require a lot of paperwork and a lot of organizing, so it’s important to make sure you get all this stuff sorted well in advance to avoid any problems.

Give yourself a lot of time to iron out any creases and make sure everything is set up and ready to go on the day of your flight to the next chapter in your life.

10. Always Ask for Help

Whether you’re researching online and looking at message boards or reading blogs from people who have done moved to China, or you’re talking to people who have some experience in living abroad, never be afraid to ask for help or get answers to the questions you need to know!

Wanna read more on how to prepare for China? Read our articles here and here! Ready to get your trip started? Get in contact with us here to begin your adventure today!

About the Author

Michael Dehoyos is a content marketer and editor at PhD Kingdom and Academic brits. He assists students in their future endeavors and helps post on student forums and offers coaching calls to individuals. Also, he is a writer at  Origin Writings.

29 Feb 2020

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